It seems like yesterday I was celebrating the end of school (which to me means no homework or packing a lunch everyday) and now I'm buying school supplies, uniforms and new shoes. Where did the summer go? Well here's a little recap of our summer break in pictures...
Wes' summer began in this cabin at Camp Indian Springs. It was his first time spending a week at sleep away camp and I was a nervous wreck. He loved it! |
My worst nightmare came true when I discovered he had not brushed his teeth the whole time he was there, and then his toes looked like this from "survival training". Needless to say I spent about five minutes brushing and scraping the dirt from under his toenails. I have a new found respect for those sweet girls at the nail salons that's for sure! |
We took some time to visit a few of our local (and free) attractions. This is from the Florida History Museum. I had never been and was pleasantly surprised. We also took many trips to the library as I had the best intentions of working with Wes on his reading this summer. Key word here is intentions. Thank goodness for his reading tutor or we would be in sad shape! |
Wes did a little fishing when we were up in Alabama visiting family. |
We celebrated our nation's birthday with some great fireworks! |
This was one of our many short trips to the beach. Yes, that is my son with the bucket on his head. He was helping a new friend bury his cousin in the sand. Those are my mom's legs in the background. I had to crop her out. She would have killed me if I put her photo on here! |
Here is the one photo I got of Wes and I. You can't tell, but I'm slowly squeezing his hand and saying "smile nice" the entire time. I'm really good at talking behind a smile. Maybe a ventriloquist act in my future? HA! |
My summer ended with an amazing last trip to with my girlfriends. Here is the view from my chair for three full days. I'm so lucky to live so close to such a beautiful beach! |
This was my lunch one day. I was not pleasantly surprised when the shrimp arrived with their heads! It took all I had (and a few drinks) to be able to eat them all. |
Back to is just a portion of all the school supplies I had to buy this year. Now, back to work so I can pay for them! |
Thanks for reading!